Thursday, October 29, 2009

My Dying Bride - Towards The Sinister (Demo)

Before My Dying Bride turned into total crap they released a few epic doom records, the demo material in particular.


Arcturus - Aspera Hiems Symfonia

Garm of Ulver fame provides the vocals to this almost flawless black metal masterpiece, and still one of my all time favorite metal singers. Even though I'm not huge on symphonic black metal I highly recommend this record.


Monday, October 19, 2009

Stargazer / Invocation Split

In further celebration of the new Portal record I decided to post the pre-Portal band Invocation's split with Stargazer. Enjoy.. but don't expect another Seepia.


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Portal - Swarth

It's finally here! The band I named this blog after, the band I spend way too much money and time on, the band that's playing deathfest and I'm loosing sleep over, here it is the brand new record!!! I pre-ordered Portal's new record from Profound Lore about a week ago and I have not been disappointed and while it's not like Seepia or Outre it's still a great record none the less. So stop reading this and get it!


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Old Funeral - The Older Ones

Yes the much talked about Old Funeral and this record will NOT let you down. In the bands line up it saw such greats as Abbath (Immortal) and of course Varg (Burzum). Although this is a compilation it's a great one ranging from raw death metal to low-fi black metal.


Wishbone Ash - First Light


If you've never heard Wishbone Ash before I will be both glad and unhappy to tell you this is the place to start and finish. Outside of the self-titled record which features every song on this record except for the unreleased track "Roads of Day to Day" which is probably my favorite next to "Errors Of My Way".. and.. "Queen Of Torture"...and... "Lady Whiskey." Enjoy this is great 70s blues rock.


Tormentor - Anno Domini

Prior to Mayhem Attila was in this band Tormentor... now that I've shared this good luck not downloading this record.
